Introduction Video
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How to set up Class Key. Please watch the video.

Class Key Story
Class Key is a classroom quiz & voting solution designed by collecting inputs from teachers.
Class Key makes classroom interactive and saves teachers time by automating the
collection of various types of quiz and survey data.
Class Key, a tool that promises to increase student participation, has been built by
collaborative work of TagHive, a edtech startup and i-Scream Media,
the most popular classroom service provider in Korea.

i-Scream media is a subsidiary company of Sigong Tech, the outright leader of specialized exhibition and cultural industry in Korea.
i-Scream media is known to discover hidden values and create new services to bolster creativity and personality. It is a digital multimedia specialized education company that seeks to provide a balanced education that includes elements from global leadership,
culture and art.

TagHive is a edtech company that is on a mission to bridge online-offline play and learn experiences of kids to make their everyday life more convenient and fun. TagHive was established in 2017 as a spin off company from Samsung Electronics.
TagHive is a technology company with multiple IPs (filed and registered). TagHive is based in Korea and has talent from several countries working towards one mission.
With Class Key, we aim to transform classroom learning by engaging students better and by saving teachers’ time. Often, the teachers face a lot of problems in the management of study material, designing of quizzes and making sure each child participates, all at the same time which makes the classroom teaching for the teachers a bit too demanding.
Class Key provides the best interactive classroom learning management and takes away all the burden of classroom learning management and test designing. We present a perfect interactive polling system as our platform supports more
interactive classroom learning through audience polling.
Class Key offers an interactive student response system for classroom polling and quizzing. This interactive student response system lets even the shy students participate in classroom learning. All this is possible with the student response device, also called a clicker. Each student uses the clicker to answer the questions.
You just need a bag of clickers to conduct the real-time
polling that captures participants’ attention.
Also called the audience polling system, Class Key records all the answers and provides instant evaluation, which means no waiting for the results. Students get their performance result immediately. This also helps teachers to better evaluate students. This interactive student response system definitely demonstrates a boost in classroom learning outcomes.
Try the most interactive learning platform now!
copyright ⓒ I-SCREAM MEDIA & TAGHIVE INC. All Rights Reserved.